If you want to read a good book...

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Sam and I are blessed to have an incredible friend in our lives named Mark.  When Mark found out we wanted to adopt he unannounced dropped off an encouraging card and a CD audio book of Adopted for Life by, Russell D. Moore.  As soon as I got in the car I popped CD 1 in the stereo and began to listen.

What a fabulous book and sincere gift.  In the book Moore chronicals he and his wives journey through adoption.  He talks straight to those struggling with infertility and to those who already have children.  There is so useful information in the book such as the pros and cons of domestic vs. international adoption, how to speak to your adopted child about the adoption, and racial issues.

Moore also reminds us that Jesus was adopted.  Joseph wasn't just his adoptive father.  Joseph was Jesus' father, so much so that the line of David which establishes Jesus' Messiah-hood was established through Joseph, who shared zero DNA with Jesus, but yet was fully his father.

Again, I can't say enough great things about this book.  I recommend it to anyone: thinking about adopting, not considering adopting but having infertility problems, family members of those adopting, and honestly to anyone else that would like to expand their mind and understanding about the matter.  It was a very easy listen- I devoured it.  Check it out and let me know your thoughts.


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