My thoughts on domestic adoption.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Domestic adoption is a mind game.  On one hand, if you adopt a newborn, it doesn't really seem like they are an orphan.  They're not in an orphanage in squallier, their parents probably didn't die, but none the less they're parents are refusing to raise them.  These mothers made the incredibly hard choice to live through 9 months of shame, embarrassment, discomfort, and questioning rather than abort their baby.  If I, as a Christian, believe that abortion is wrong then I, by default believe that the solution to an unwanted pregnancy is adoption.  If I believe that, and I'm asking every woman that finds herself pregnant and doesn't want to keep the baby to choose life then shouldn't I be part of the solution?

 Maybe the reason abortion is so accepted and adoption seems so strange or shameful is because there aren't enough examples of Christian families welcoming these babies into their families.  What if it was the norm for families (at least Christian ones) to have at least one adopted child in their family?  Wouldn't that paint a pretty plain picture for these pregnant mom's in crisis of what the adoption option practically looked like?  Maybe instead of choosing abortion out of fear they would choose life and adoption out of reassurance that their child would be loved and that they were not the first to make this same choice.

Having said this, I do not think domestic adoption is best, who knows maybe someday we'll adopt internationally or from the foster care system, I just know that for right now this is the avenue we are supposed to take.


  1. i've been reading along with your journey so far and i can't tell you how informative and enlightening you've been. you and sam are two people whose friendships we kind of mourn in that we moved before really getting a chance to know you or spend really any non-working non-NAWP time with, certainly before we had any children to play with your sweet kids! anyway i've always been drawn to the idea of adoption for my family, not now but certainly in the future once God and my heart tell me it's time and your comments in this post are exactly why! how on earth can i be pro-life and believe whole heartedly in a pro-adoption solution if i'm not willing to bring a child into my own life to pick up the slack for those unable or unwilling to care for their own little gift from God? i hope that one day Joe and I are able to be as brave, loving, and full of faith as you and Sam are. much love and please know that my family has yours in its heart & prayers!


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